Displaying 1 - 10 of 1654 Search Results
Historical Tariffs
SDG&E’s Historical Tariff Schedules are organized by the year they are effective beginning with 2001. Please note that only tariff sheets which have been modified during the course of the year are included.
For further tariff information, please send an email to SDG&[email protected].
Electric Historical Tariffs
Title page
Table of contents
Preliminary statement
Territory served map
Schedule of Rates
Residential rates
Commercial/Industrial rates
Lighting rates
Commodity rates
Contracts and deviations
Electric rules
Electric sample forms
Gas Historical Tariffs
Title page
Table of contents
Preliminary statement
Territory Served Map 1
Thermal Zones - Map 2
Schedule of Rates
Core services
Noncore services
Other services
Contracts and deviations
Gas rules
Gas sample forms
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Docket No. ER23-257-000: 2023 TRBAA Rate Filing
Filing Date: October 28, 2022
193.88 KB
2023 TRBAA Transmittal Letter
2023 TRBAA Transmittal Letter
134.77 KB
Appendix I 2023 TRBAA
Appendix I 2023 TRBAA
61.50 KB
Appendix I 2023 TRBAA Redline
Appendix I 2023 TRBAA Redline
107.02 KB
Appendix III 2023 TRBAA
Appendix III…
Renewable Market Adjusting Tariff (Re-MAT)
for Small Renewable Generation
Re-MAT Program Summary
SDG&E’s ReMAT offers power purchase agreements to distribution-level renewable projects sized at 3 MWs or less from three product categories: baseload (typically including geothermal, bioenergy and hydro), peaking (typically including solar) and non-peaking (typically including wind). ReMAT was established by CPUC Decisions (D.) 12-05-035 and (D.) 13-05-034 to implement Senate Bill (SB) 32. SDG&E’s ReMAT was closed by the California Public Utilities Commission (“Commission” or “CPUC”) on December 15, 2016 and ordered re-opened in D.21-12-032 to procure 20.9 MW (the “Program Cap”), split equally among the three product types.
The program rules are described in more detail in the Re-MAT Tariff (Schedule ReMAT) and standard Re-MAT…